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My name is Michael Costello and I am President of iKennel, Inc.  I specialize in
global marketing of pet supplies.  I am not only an E-commerce retailer, I'm also
a wholesaler in the Western United States.  We have a long history of family business
and supporting local economies since 1941.  My customers quite often ask why I sell
pet supplies.  My story is unlike most, but I would like to share it with you and
answer that question. 

At the age of 3, I was diagnosed with severe asthma resulting from an extreme allergy to animal dander or old skin scales.  My eyes would shut, I would itch everywhere, my nasal passages would block, and worst of all my lungs would nearly collapse.  At first doctors could not explain why I was having these symptoms.  After several months and many reactions, my parents came to the conclusion that I was suffering from any exposure to animals with fur or feathers.  The allergy was so extreme I could not expose myself to any animals or I would end up in the hospital.  I had to stay away from all such animals including dogs.  It was a case that grew very difficult especially since I loved dogs.  I could no longer go to Grandma’s, cousins’, uncles’, or friends’ houses.  It seemed as though everyone had a dog.  There were only a handful of people in my life where I could actually go inside their homes because they had no dog. 

When I reached the age of 21, I decided to pay for allergy shots even though my health insurance would not cover the cost.  I was willing to do anything in order to have some exposure to dogs.  After 3 years and hundreds of shots the immune therapy failed. What is supposed to work 95% of the time, where the subject needs little to no medication, I was the rare 5%.  As a last attempt to get any sort of success, my doctor increased the dosage to the highest she has ever administered, to levels that were border line dangerous.  In the end, the conclusion was the same as it always was, I could take several medications daily and be severely drugged or I could just do what I had done for 18 years prior, just stay completely away from any dog. 

Fast forward to the present day and nothing has changed.  The allergy is still very severe with no improvements.  My condition is so sensitive that I can sense animal dander on people’s clothes!  Even though it’s an obvious disability, my brother insists that I have an incredible ability.  I am able to walk inside any person’s home and tell them if they have pets and determine the size or quantity of their pet(s) in less than 5 minutes.     

As horrible as this condition is, I am still able to have some exposure with all breeds of dogs, as long as I don't get too close.  Sometimes as long as we are outside, I can pet a dog for about one minute without feeling any affects.  I just make sure my hands are washed immediately after.  I have come into contact with thousands of dogs now and as insignificant as that seems, it means the world to me.  I currently take my family's and friends' dogs on walks and hikes.  Over my years of yearning and observation, I will never underestimate the incredible bond between dogs and humans and how we are each others' best friend.  Those of you who are dog owners are so lucky to be able to fully experience this special bond!  I will continue to be open to all areas of study in hopes of a cure for this horrible disease.  The advancement in science is my only hope...and a positive attitude.      

Our main goal as a company is to cater to animal shelters and adoption rescues, by offering low prices and donations in hopes of additional rescues.  This ensures our constant mission, ..."to fight for animal rights".